
Living Labs

The Living Exhibition will travel across Europe showcasing the work of the students and start-ups. It will be devoted to demonstrating the work of those striving to achieve the goals set out in the EU Green Deal

As part of the exhibition, several events will be planned and take place during the time the exhibition is in the city. These events will include:

  • The Official Opening 
  • Ambassadors from the Urban Shift start-ups will present their work
  • An Art event
  • A Workshop
  • Brainstorming, clustering and co-creation session
  • Living wall

As the exhibition travels, it will evolve and collect input from those that have visited the exhibition creating a living ecosystem of ideas!
The exhibition will travel to Barcelona, Vienna, Stuttgart and Copenhagen!
More information is coming about the exhibition in 2023!

Living Exhibition 2023 Schedule

Living Exhibition Vienna: June 20th 2023

Living Exhibition Barcelona: 24-28th November 2023

Living Exhibition Copenhagen: 16-19th January 2024

Living Exhibition Stuttgart: 16-23 February 2024

Living Exhibition 2023 Vienna

The Living Exhibition Vienna took place on June 20th, 2023, during the 21st Austrian Export Day, Austria’s largest information and networking event on the subject of export and internationalisation under the MOTTO: Inspiration – innovation – expert knowledge. Urban Shift was located in the innovation area, called the “Innovation Jungle” and displayed the work of our start-ups and the successful participants in the call for green innovations. 

Living Exhibition 2023 Barcelona

The Living Exhibition Barcelona took place from the 24th to the 28th November, 2023, as part of the series of events associated with the Responsive Cities Symposium organised by IAAC. The Living Exhibition Official Opening was the final event closing the two day international symposium and the exhibition was also open during the Poblenou Open Night. During the events several hundreds of people passed through the doors getting a chance to see the innovative projects. 

Living Exhibition 2023 Copenhagen

The Living Exhibition Copenhagen took place from the 16th to the 19th January, 2024, hosted by Green Innovation Group at Bloxhub. Guest speakers shared interesting insights and the entrepreneurs had the possibility to discuss their projects with them. The selected students had the opportunity to also further explore Bloxhub and the city of Copenhagen, feeling reinspired after leaving. 

Living Exhibition 2023 Stuttgart

On February 16th, 2024, the official opening of the Living Exhibition took place during the “Empower Greenpreneurs” event at the creative workspace “Playpark” at Stuttgart Media University (HdM). The exhibition was open to interested visitors from the Stuttgart region and all HdM employees on the “Playpark” premises until February 23. The festive closing of the exhibition was moved to Stuttgart City Hall. It occurred as part of the “Sandbox Demo Day”, an important event of HdM´s Startup Center, which focuses increasingly on presenting sustainable start-up projects.  

Find out more about our first round of Living Exhibitions, by downloading the report below.


The Vienna Green Ideation Sprint workshop will take place with Climate Lab Vienna on October 9th. 

Join us for a one-day free crash course workshop dedicated to cultivating green ideation and essential design thinking skills. Through the application of design thinking methods, you will gain valuable insights and engage in hands-on experiences, enabling you to shape innovative and sustainable solutions for a brighter tomorrow. Content of Workshop:
  • Introduction to Ideation Sprint Challenges: Mobility/Circularity and Extreme Weather Events
  • Applying Design Thinking for Ideation
  • Future proofness of idea: Market Validation and Pitching
  • Where: Climate Lab – Spittelauer Lände 45, 1090 Vienna
  • When: 9. October 2023, 09:30-15:30
  • Certificate of participation
  • Working language is English

Dipl. Ing. Laura Hohoff
Laura Hohoff is senior project manager at the RCE- Regional Center of Expertise on Sustainable Development, at the University of Economics and Business in Vienna. She has 7+ years of experience working with entrepreneurs and innovators in the field of education on sustainable development. She has implemented design thinking methodologies with a wide range of stakeholders- from students to city staff, researchers and UN-stakeholders. With an educational background in environmental and resource management, she is passionate about boosting sustainable innovations in urban areas.

Dr. Marie-Sophie Attems
Marie-Sophie Attems is deputy head of RCE- Regional Center of Expertise on Sustainable Development, at the University of Economics and Business in Vienna. With a PhD in natural hazards and climate change adaptation/mitigation, she has additional experience in diverse projects in Education for Sustainable Development. With several years of practical experience at university-level teaching, she has also been engaged in communication and participation in climate change adaptation with diverse stakeholders. This passion for a sustainable use of resources drives her active involvement as an environmental educator.

Registration will be open until 5th October 2023.

Call for Green Innovations

Are you working on projects or start-ups that are aligned with the goals of the EU Green Deal? 

Are you looking for an opportunity to showcase your work and gain exposure across Europe? Then this call is for you!  

We are looking for innovative projects and start-ups that are working on topics being addressed by the EU Green Deal, to participate in the Urban Shift Living Exhibition that will travel across Europe from Vienna, to Barcelona, to Copenhagen and finish in Stuttgart.  

The Living Exhibition will promote the EU Green Deal goals to make Europe the first climate neutral continent by 2050! In addition, it will showcase the work of the start-ups participating in the Urban Shift Living Labs programme as well as the work of start-ups and projects submitted to this call! 

The call is orientated towards students, entrepreneurs and professionals across Europe working on topics being addressed in the EU Green Deal. In particular, we are looking for projects or start-ups focusing on the topics of Urban Heat Islands and Food Waste/Circularity, but we are open to receive projects outside of these topics.  


Submission Deadline: 15th May 2023 

Selected entries will be announced by 21st May 2023 

Submission Requirements:

Find all the submission requirements in the PDF below.