
Living Labs


The Living Labs 2024 edition takes place from December 2023 to June 2024 with 40 students from WU, IAAC, HdM and WIFI

Over the course of six months, students will work in transdisciplinary and cross-border groups to develop start-ups addressing the above mentioned urban challenges. They will be supported by experts from each discipline, as well as great business minds that will aim to help turn the ideas into viable start-ups.

The students will have the opportunity to meet twice in person, once during the kick-off event in Vienna and once during the closing event in Barcelona. In between, the students will arrange online meetings, and sessions will be held at each HEI and VET and online with the business partners to support the development. The support is provided in different levels:

  1. Coaching and Mentoring
  2. Deep-dive into your Discipline (Specialised Skills Training)
  3. Deep-dive into Entrepreneurial Skills (Advanced Skills Training)

During the Living Labs programme, there will be an event hosted called the Empowering Changemakers (2024)- CNER bringing experts, trainers and students together to discuss the urban challenges and receive feedback on their proposals. More information about the event coming in 2024!


Living Labs 2024 Kick-off 

40 learners descended on Vienna for one intensive week of workshops with the goal of building a transdisciplinary and cross-border start-up. 

The week included workshops on problem identification, problem validation, design thinking and ideation, cold calling, entrepreneurial skills and much more. Learners were placed in teams based on interests and personality, and over the first two days had the possibility to switch teams if they were more passionate about another problem. 

In between the hard work, there was also a lot of fun and team building activities. The entrepreneurs now have their sights set on Barcelona, where they will pitch their developed solutions.


Empowering Changemakers

Join us for our first online event Empowering Changemakers!
Hear from experts working in the field of urban mobility and extreme weather event!
More information coming soon!  

Location: Online on Zoom – Link will be sent to those who registered
Date: 24th April 2024
Time: 3pm – 6pm

Living Labs 2024 Results

In June 2024, all the entrepreneurs travelled to Barcelona for the closing of the programme and final workshop!
During their time in Barcelona, the entrepreneurs worked on refining their pitches, finalising their prototypes and hearing from business experts about future possible steps. To celebrate the end of their Urban Shift journey and what comes next, each start-up had the opportunity to pitch their ideas in front of business innovation experts. The celebration culminated in a pica pica (finger food) with Spanish tapas allowing the entrepreneurs to network.

Find out more about our new start-ups in the talents section.

Living Labs 2024 Call for Applicants // CLOSED

Eager to create a Green Business Solution? 
Keen on becoming an international start-up? 

You have the opportunity to develop a Green Innovative Start-up with a transdisciplinary and cross border team. This will include students from WU Vienna with a business background, students from IAAC Barcelona with an architecture & design background, students from HdM Stuttgart with a media background, and WIFI students with a practical and experience driven background!  

The direction of your new start-up will address either one of the key urban challenges our cities are facing while tackling climate change: 1. Mobility/Circularity or 2. Extreme Weather Events 

What to expect: 
You will develop a sustainable idea, create a prototype, and turn it into a real business solution! 

You will work together with students/entrepreneurs from different countries – expect interculturality! 

You will form transdisciplinary teams and sustainable ideas in a 5-day kick-off workshop in Vienna (travel costs covered). 

You will present your prototype and business in front of investors at our 4 days event in Barcelona (travel costs covered). 

You will receive support from trainers at your institution, as well as professionals from corporate partners and other institutions to turn your vision into reality.  

You will have access to a network of urban experts in the public and private sector and a chance to present your start-up at exhibitions in 4 different countries. 

This programme will not just be another learning experience! If you are successful, then the end of this programme is only the beginning of your entrepreneurship journey!  

Does this sound like you? 

Did you miss the Info Day? Check out the recording below!


Play Video

Living Labs 2024 Registration Procedure // CLOSED

Note: For the 2nd Batch only Master students from HdM can apply! 

Please answer the three questions below with 2-3 sentences each and send it together with your short CV (max. 1 page incl. HdM study programme) or LinkedIn Profile to heinzel(at)hdm-stuttgart.de 

  1. What motivates you to become a sustainable entrepreneur and join our Urban Shift programme?
  2. Within this programme you will have the opportunity to address the urban challenges of Extreme Weather Events or Mobility & Circularity. What excites you about this opportunity and how do you envision to have a meaningful impact on the climate crisis?
  3. How do you already contribute to climate protection and/ or climate change in your everyday life?

Are you committed to a 6-month programme and [would like to] tell us where [your] expertise is?

Deadline for application is the 15th of October. A quick interview with short-listed candidates will take place the following week. 

Please answer the two questions below with 2-3 sentences each and send it together with your CV or LinkedIn Profile to maattems(at)wu.ac.at and lhohoff(at)wu.ac.at 
1. What motivates you to become a sustainable entrepreneur and join our Urban Shift programme2. Within this programme you will have the opportunity to address the urban challenges of Extreme Weather Events or Mobility and Circularity. What excites you about this opportunity and how do you envision to have a meaningful impact on the climate crisis? 

Are you committed to a 6-month programme and tell us where you expertise is?  

Deadline for application is the 23rd of October. A quick interview with shortlisted candidates will take place the following week.